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Kimchi and Carrot Pancakes (Kimchi Jeon)

If you haven’t made kimchi as per my Kimchi and Avocado Wraps post a few weeks back, or haven’t bought some, RUN – don’t walk – and get yourself a pack of kimchi. You will not be sorry.

I have been champing at the bit to share this with you for ages. The photos have been waiting, and I know this recipe is foolproof. But I wanted to wait until I figured a few of you would have made your kimchi, or sallied up to the Asian supermarket and purchased a pack or two. Well, TIME’S UP. Put down your iPad, send the kids into the garden, don’t answer the door. It is kimchi pancake time.

Some of you will have had kimchi pancakes at a Korean cafe. And most undoubtedly some of you are dab hands at making your own – and could show me a thing or two. But for everyone else, I want to introduce you to the quickest, most delectable savoury pancake ever invented. I can say that without blushing as I obviously did not invent it. The kimchi pancake has long been a favourite way of eating kimchi in South Korea, mainly as a sharing starter, but I”m sure there are greedy South Koreans who – like me – will eschew the politeness of sharing and just eat a whole one without pause for breath. Yep, it is that good.

We here at food to glow tend to not have these as the appetisers they are intended to be, but rather as lunch, with crispy and ‘loaded’ green salad. Mainly due to the non-sharing thing.

It is a weekend favourite for us, and is so easy to knock up that you really don’t need to plan it into your cooking schedule. All you need is a supply of kimchi as the rest are store cupboard ingredients of egg, flour and water (not that this is in a cupboard, but you know what I mean). And I like to add grated carrots for a little fresh touch. And that is it. If you can make regular, Western-style, pancakes (i.e. kimchi-less) then you can make these.

In a few weeks I will post another quick way with kimchi that is just as easy and one we also love for lunch. Who knew kimchi was so versatile?

Do you like kimchi? What’s your favourite way to eat it?

Kimchi and Carrot Pancakes

  • Servings: 2 large pancakes
  • Difficulty: easy
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1 cup light spelt flour, plain/AP flour OR gluten-free flour (spelt gives the best result if you have a choice)

1/4 tsp salt (optional)

1 medium egg, lightly beaten

1 cup ice water (makes the pancakes crispier-edged)

3/4 cup kimchi, snipped or chopped into smallish pieces (add the kimchi juice too)

1 tbsp chopped fresh chives

1/2 cup (1 medium) carrot, grated

2 tsp light rapeseed oil, coconut oil or other oil with a high burning temperature

1. Dry whisk the flour and salt in a large bowl. Make a well and add in the water and egg, whisking to get a smooth batter; stir in the kimchi, carrots and chives.

2. Heat scant 1 tsp of oil in a medium-sized frying pan over a medium-high heat, making sure it lightly covers the base. Flick a tiny speck of batter in the pan. If it sizzles immediately go ahead and add one-half of the batter, tilting the pan to get the batter evenly distributed across the pan.

3. Let the pancake cook at this higher heat for just less than one minute then turn down the heat to low-medium and continue cooking until the pancake looks semi-cooked. The edges will look firm and starting to crisp but the centre will still look wet but not too runny – see image. You can also take a peek at the underside and see if it is very golden – that’s what you want. Flip and cook until the underside is done to your liking.

4. Carry on with the remaining batter, adding more oil and cooking on an initial high heat. Keep cooked pancake warm on a baking sheet in a warm oven, or cover loosely with a tea towel.

Note: you can make these thicker by adding less water, or adding a bit more flour.

Serve with the hot sauce-spiked good mayonnaise (e.g. homemade or French), or a dipping sauce ouch as this one on




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